• 臀部から下腿外側への痛みのある男性症例
  • 下記のgluteus mediusのreferred painの分布に近似していたのでtrigger point block を施行。(カテラン針使用)
  • 施行前臀部痛でSLR 30+が、施行後SLR 60-となり痛み改善した。

The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook: Your Self-Treatment Guide for Pain Relief

The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook: Your Self-Treatment Guide for Pain Relief

  • gluteus medius muscle 小臀筋
    • 大転子前面から腸骨稜へ
    • gluteus maximus,mediusの下に埋まっている
    • Considering its size, you might think the minimus would be of little consequence, but it can create great discomfort over a surprisingly widespread area, leaving you and your doctors full of consternation (驚き、狼狽) and puzzlement.
    • Waking is painful.
    • Pain and other symptoms in the buttocks and backs of the legs are collectively called sciatica, independent of the cause. Sciatica is a description, not a diagnosis, although it's usually assumed to result from compression of the sciatic nerve or a nerve in the spine. Sciatic symptoms can also be mistaken for evidence of a ruptured disk, arthritis of the spine, bursitis of the hip, or sacroiliac joint dysfuntion. Surgery for sciatic symptoms is appallingly(ひどく) common, though it regularly fails to erase the pain when the physician has neglected to consider myofascial trigger points in the diagnosis.
    • Sitting on a fat wallet is a well-known cause of trigger points in the gluteus minimus, resulting in "back pocket sciatica".
    • Treatment Use a tennis ball against the wall for massage of the gluteus minimus.